Sunday, February 23, 2020

Working with Your Tentative Quantitative Research Question Assignment

Working with Your Tentative Quantitative Research Question - Assignment Example Internal validity answers the effect of subject variance in the experimental and control group. Additionally, in one-subject research it resolves the cause of a treatment in the behavior of the subject compared to other factors. In descriptive research, is concerned with the study’s quality and accuracy. There are various extraneous variables that jeopardize and control the internal validity of an experiment (Acheson, 2010). They include history, maturation, testing, instrumentation, selection, statistical regression, experimental mortality, and selection interaction. In selection interaction, the methods of selection interact with single or multiple threats, thereby biasing the results of the study. In experimental mortality, the variables drop out of the research. If one group incurs a greater subject level of mortality and withdrawal than others, then the differences between the subjects become questionable. Consequently, the elements in comparison need to be equivalent at the research start. Their equivalence makes the difference between the subjects measured by the dependent variables at the research end are caused by independent variables rather than orgasmic ones. ... Also, when the human observers are used, the observer’s judgment changes every time rather than the performance of the subjects. Consequently, the subjects are always pretested to find out that the subjects are beginning the study at an equal level. An after math of pretesting protocols is that they can change the performance of the subjects on later tests that measure similar domains above the effects that are caused by the same treatment. However, the degree to which the result of the study can be applied or generalized to other people shows its external validity (DuPont & Plummer, 1990). The group research that employs randomization will possess greater external validity than the research that does not employ random assignment. The factors that affect the external validity of a study include: interaction, pretesting, setting, and interventions. The interaction between two variables shows their treatment and selection. If the elements are not selected from the population ran domly, then their orgasmic features may be performance biased and the results of the study may not apply you the other \group that represents the features of the population (Faull et al., 2007). Pretesting a subject causes them to either react less or more strongly to treatment than if pretest lacked. In some instances the researcher cannot conclude that population members who did not under pretest would perform in same manner to those subjects in the study. The subject performance is a more reaction or product to the setting of an experiment than in variables that are independent. For instance, subjects knowing they are participants in a research, or who knows of being observed, reacts differently than the experienced subjects who have know no knowledge.

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