Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Obstacles Facing Women Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Obstacles Facing Women - Coursework Example Women are their worst enemies and lack financial aid to empower themselves. The novel talks of children living with their parents. The mother in law is a reckoning force in persecuting her fellow women in the house. This reveals many similarities that the women in Asia face with monetary institutions. The women complain of the tough conditions that are put in place to get a loan in Asia (Bhagwati, 2004). There are also good fortunes that befell women in Asia, hard work focus and dedications, make the women be successive. The young boy that survives in the city and become successful falls in love with a young woman who strongly works her way through to became successive. There is corruption, cartels lack of funds and unemployment that face women in Asia. This is told through the young man’s interaction with women in the streets. The wrong influence of globalization and the acquiring of negative is the main catalyst in the hurdles facing women. However, through perseverance there is

Monday, October 28, 2019

Paragraphes of text body Essay Example for Free

Paragraphes of text body Essay The second paragraph of the body should contain the second strongest argument, second most significant example, second cleverest illustration, or an obvious follow up the first paragraph in the body. The first sentence of this paragraph should include the reverse hook which ties in with the transitional hook at the end of the first paragraph of the body. The topic for this paragraph should be in the first or second sentence. This topic should relate to the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. The last sentence in this paragraph should include a transitional hook to tie into the third paragraph of the body. The third paragraph of the body should contain the weakest argument, weakest example, weakest illustration, or an obvious follow up to the second paragraph in the body. The first sentence of this paragraph should include the reverse hook which ties in with the transitional hook at the end of the second paragraph. The topic for this paragraph should be in the first or second sentence. This topic should relate to the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. The last sentence in this paragraph should include a transitional concluding hook that signals the reader that this is the final major point being made in this paper.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Themes in Lord of the Flies Essay -- essays research papers

William Goldning’s Lord of the Flies is an allegorical novel where literary techniques are utilized to convey the main ideas and themes of the novel. Two important central themes of the novel includes loss of civilization and innocense which tie into the concept of innate human evil. Loss of civilization is simply the transition from civilization to savagery; order to chaos. The concept of loss of innocense is a key concept to innate human evil because childhood innocense is disrupted as the group hunted animals and even their own. Through the use of literary techniques these ideas are seen in the passage where Simon confronts the â€Å"Lord of the Flies.† The central concern of Lord of the Flies deals with the fall of civilization to the awakening of savagery. The conflict seen in this theme is explored through the dissolution of the young boys’ well mannered behavior as they accustomed themselves to a wild, barbaric life in the jungle. The concept of innate human evil takes an important role in this theme because as the boys grew more savage the beast that they feared grew within themselves. This innate human evil is the beast that destroys civilization as savagery claimed its position. In the passage the â€Å"Lord of the flies† indicates the presence of the beast within the boys. ‘Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill!’ said the head/You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of you? Close, close, close! I’m the reason why it’s no go? (Pg. 143). To make this point cl...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Knowledge Is the Ultimate Power

Knowledge is the Ultimate power by jayaram Dear friends, have you ever gazed at the night sky and wondered â€Å"What is this Universe? Why is the universe the way it is? Where did we come from? How long our Earth and human race last for? † I think everybody has these questions at least once in their life and we may have a little bit answers. If you want to get better answers, you must read an awesome book called â€Å"A brief history of time† written by Stephen William Hawking mainly for a layman. Stephen William Hawking is a cosmologist, Physicist and Mathematician who is believed to be one of the greatest minds and a living genius.How you will feel if one day you come to know that you are going to die within two years? We will lose our heart. We will lose our future dreams. Some fellows will start to enjoy whatever they wanted to enjoy in their entire life. Some fellows even will try to suicide or start to abuse the God like why the god cursed me? The Same thing happ ened to Hawking. At the age of 21 he was diagnosed with the incurable disease ALS shortly before his marriage, and doctors said he would lost control of his muscles day by day and would not survive more than two years.At first, Hawking was shocked and upset. He could not find any reason for living except one goal to complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all. He lost the use of his arms and legs. Fortunately the progress of his illness slowed down Despite his growing physical disabilities, he determined to live and make professional progress in the world of science. Hawking explained the beginning of the universe with the help of black holes which Einstein couldn’t answer.Unfortunately at the age of 42, Hawking caught pneumonia and had a tracheotomy operation, which made him voiceless and as of now he has been almost completely paralyzed. To communicate he has been using a voice synthesizer which auto-completes the words entered throug h a sensor on his cheek. He can speak only 4 words for a minute. Inspite of all disabilities he wrote 6 books through which he changed the perception of human beings about the universe. He had a zero-gravity space flight to encourage public interest in space.He had an attractive family. He got Presidential Medal of Freedom the highest civilian honor in the United States. He is the king of cosmology not because of political power; he has everything not because he is a billionaire. He is a celebrity not because he is a Hollywood or pop hero. He has sold more books on physics than Madonna has on sex. All is because of his search for truth, Quest for Knowledge and knowledge is the ultimate power. The world of knowledge is waiting for our contribution. Let us add something to it.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Ministry of Defense of Belarus and Russia

This paper is a comparative treatment of two ministries of defense of substantial strategic importance to the world, that of Russia and Belarus. Both countries have had strained relationships with the United States and the western world and have been actively pursuing activities with those countries hostile to western imperialism such as China and Venezuela.This paper will, first, summarize the basic structure and relations of the two ministries, and then compare and contrast them. A conclusion will attempt to bring these insights together. The Ministry of Defense of Belarus:Interestingly, the Defense Ministry of Belarus has its roots in the reaction to the Chernobyl disaster of 1986. This disaster is one of the main reasons the two republics it affected, Ukraine and Belarus (as the city is on their border) declared independence from the USSR several years later. In fact, the very first piece of legislation establishing this ministry (in 1992) was explicitly titled the â€Å"Reactio n against the Affects of Chernobyl† and acted as a form of public mobilization against the tremendous health risks of the airborne radiation (â€Å"Legislative Basis,† 2009).But in the era of 1991-1992, historic in that it was the era of the fall of the USSR and the independence of the Warsaw Pact nations and the former Soviet Republics, saw the Belorussian state declare independence from the defunct USSR and develop its own institutions, chief among them was the ministry of defense. Several issues presented themselves: first, about half of the Belarusian republican army was of Russian descent, and second, that thousands of Belarusian troops were serving the former USSR in countries abroad.The newly formed independent Belarusian government then implemented programs that re-Belarussianized the armed forces and brought those expatriated soldiers home (Global Security, 2008). The structure of the Defense ministry is not civilian, and in fact, a major issue in Belarusian po litical culture is the means by which the purely military aspects of the Ministry and its civilian contacts could be regularized. But at the moment, the entire staff of the Ministry are uniformed officers. Currently, the Minister of Defense is Col. Gen.Leonid Maltsyev (appointed 2001), and he is supported by a general staff that includes the following offices: the chief of staff of the armed forces of the republic, the deputy minister, a ministry dedicated to armaments and acquisitions, then Logistics, army command and lastly, the air command and the air defense. As Belarus is landlocked, there is no naval force. The structure of the Ministry in terms of a chain of command is that the Defense Ministry is a part of the Council of Ministers, itself directly under the President of the Republic, currently the wildly popular Alexander Luksahenko.The General staff serves directly under the Defense Minister, and under him stand the land, air and support staffs in a position of equality. Fi nally, under the land forces stand logistics. Hence, the doctrine here is that Logistics and strategy stand under the land army, while the air corps follows orders. Hence, the equality between land and air forces is theoretical only. The tradition of the ministry is that land forces should predominate, and air forces act as an auxiliary to them. The mentality and culture of the Ministry follows a very specific doctrine. Its main points are the following:a) that the ministry is dedicated to a â€Å"balanced† cooperation among states. There is to be strict neutrality in terms of â€Å"power blocs,† and cooperation will not follow and specific â€Å"ideological† bent, but what serves the mission of the ministry in terms of the defense of the republic. b) that this ministry will never seek to acquire nuclear weapons. c) that it operates in accordance with a strict equity with other states (â€Å"Military Doctrine,† 2009). In addition, the â€Å"Military Doct rine† of the Republic is an important source for the basic functioning of the Ministry.The most interesting elements of this more or less bureaucratic document are the conditions that must prevail for the military services of the republic to respond if the republic is threatened. The document itself calls this the â€Å"political-military† situations that permit the usage of armed force in general, but are obviously applied to Belarus specifically. Hence it is a sort of a moral blueprint where force can be used, though it does not specify the amount of force in each case. These are: a) the lack of effective political mechanisms to solve political problems.b) economic imperialism , that is, the desire for advanced countries to use their economic and political clout to exploit smaller and weaker states; c) the domination of a few major powers over the resources of the globe d) the development of new technologies that threaten the typical military balance in the world e) t he use of propaganda to overthrow states (in other words, the use of a controlled media to manipulate public opinion over and above normal democratic channels) f) the manipulation of ethnic groups in order to create a volatile situation (â€Å"Bases,† 2009).Needless to say, this official doctrine of the defense ministry makes perfect sense given the small size and vulnerability of the republic. Belarus is a part of the non-aligned movement, which brings the Ministry of Defense, Foreign Affairs and the Presidency into regular co-operation. Since Belarus has regular treaties with Venezuela, Russia, Vietnam and China, the policy here is to co-operate fully with the president and the foreign ministry in developing a â€Å"non-aligned† movement that seeks to alter the current â€Å"uni-polar† nature of global power.Hence, the Defense Ministry is following directives placed by the presidency and the Foreign Ministry in developing a place in the world for smaller, weak er powers who seek to create a power balance with the west rather than have the west dominate them. Hence, the Defense Ministry has adopted a defense policy that is completely in line with that of the presidency, the council of ministers, the foreign ministry and the nature of being in charge of the defense of a small country. Lastly, since Belarus economically is one of the most dynamic countries in the world, the funding of the military forces has never been an issue (IMF, 2009).The fall of the USSR meant that many of the Russian forces in the Warsaw Pact countries were backed right into Belarus, leading to a situation where Belarus was one of the most militarized countries in the world. President Lukashenko sought to reduce the number of forces, end conscription, and hence, reduce the strain of the armed forces on the budget. Today, the armed forces are a fraction of what they cost in 1992, leading to a smooth relationship with the finance ministry and the presidency. Thus, in co nclusion, the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus is a model for the developing world.It seeks no political power, since it already is directly represented in the council of ministers and the ministry itself is run by uniformed officers appointed by the President. It cooperates fully with the foreign ministry in developing a military doctrine in line with the â€Å"non-aligned† movement. It seeks a balanced co-operation with the world and a reduction in the number of both nuclear and conventional weapons systems in world politics. It has been steadily reducing its cost to the ministry of finance, leading to–to say the least–a smooth working relationship. The Defense Ministry of RussiaThe structure of the Russian Ministry of Defense is largely civilian. The Minister himself is Anatoly Serdyuvkov, who, significantly, was a former tax official under Putin. However, immediately under him is a uniformed officer, Gen. Nikolai Makarov, who was the former com mander of the Siberian military district. This is significant for one major reason, it is the post that places the Russian armed forces in direct connection and communication with the Asian powers, especially China. Under the Minister and General Makarov, there is a First Deputy Minister and a States Secretary for Defense.Under him is a woman, Lyubov Kudelina, who is in charge of the relationships between Finance and Defense. While the Minister himself is a former tax official, Mrs. Kudelina also worked at Finance and was deeply involved with tax collection. It would be noted that at the fall of the USSR between 1990 and 1993, tax collection almost completely bottomed out. The money and institutions for collection no longer functioned, and taxes were reduced to protection money from the local criminal gangs. Vladimir Putin, financed by oil money, reversed this trend.Hence, there should be no surprise that two major figures in the defense ministry have little military experience, but were both close to the financial and taxing apparatus (â€Å"Senior Officials,† 2009). Under the Defense Ministry’s Finance representative lies, not surprisingly, the chief of armaments, the chief of Logistics and another deputy minister. Since logistics and armaments procurement are costly productions, their subordination to the finance representative is no surprise. This structure seems eminently rational. It builds in inter-agency cooperation within the Defense Ministry itself especially within the all-important financial end.What is more important, however, is how the agency views itself, its mission and its role in the government. Like in the Belarussian case, the Russian Defense Ministry, in cooperation with the presidency and the ministry of finance, has developed a comprehensive understanding of itself in the world and in the Russian, and post-Soviet world. First and foremost, before any other consideration, the Ministry of Defense makes it clear that its numb er one priory in the defense of Russia is to maintain a high level of deterrence. It seeks to defend Russia by making any attack on it of painfully high cost.After this, combat readiness is the next priority, and within this priority is the concept of high mobility. Speed and the efficient use of resources is a major part of the Russian defense strategy. It is cheaper and more efficient to maintain small numbers of infantry, but backed by the highest in technology in terms of missile defense, the air corps and intelligence (â€Å"Development,† 2009). After this, three elements come into play: first, the nature of high-technology weapons, the war on terror and the protection of the environment.This latter even has its own office, under a General trained in economy, General Alevtin Yuruk in a rater unique arrangement where his office interfaces with the rest of the Russian government to loosen up funds and manpower to repair any environmental damage caused by the action of the armed forces, and most importantly, the safe keeping of the nuclear stockpile. After Chernobyl, the environment is more than just a saccharine slogan, it is a matter of life and death (â€Å"Environmental Protection,† 2009). But apart from the above strategic considerations, there is another, moral, sense of Russia’s defense ministry and its place in the world.The fall of the USSR made it clear that the Russian Federation was to recreate its mission, its identity and its interaction with the outside world. Hence, the ministry has, in communication with the past three presidents of the post USSR world, created a moral sense of itself, one based on the following ideas: a) the creation of a democratic international order where a few major powers do not control the world’s resources; b) force can be used only with the express permission of the UN c) forces worldwide should be decreased to a minimum and used solely for defense d) to create the infrastructure for Russ ia’s new mission as a major powere) international cooperation necessary for the war on terror, drugs and mafia activities f) co-operation, not confrontation wit the USA g) Asia is the future, and hence, building strong ties with China and Vietnam become of paramount importance (â€Å"Global Cooperation,† 2009). Several conclusions can be drawn from this. First, Russia clearly sees its defense role as a great power, not as a second tier force. Second, it seeks to create an international order based on equity, around the security council of the UN and its decisions where Russia has a veto. It sees China as central to its future security.And, lastly, it sees China, or more specifically the Russia-China Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as a means of balancing its relations with the US, NATO and the EU. Hence, balance and cooperation over confrontation seems to be the theoretical grounding (â€Å"Global Cooperation† 2009). The mission of the Defense Department in Russia is mirrored by the two other agencies (other than finance, which are intertwined deliberately), the Presidency and the Foreign Ministry. In a speech dated January 18, 2009, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov laid out the foreign policy goals of Russia, and these consist in the following ideas:a) the rebuilding of the financial system fo the globe on a more democratic basis. The Russian government has made clear that it is the â€Å"imbalance† of the system that caused the meltdown,. Too much mon3y in too few hands, both in terms of stats and individuals is the cause of the meltdown. The post-World War II system needs to be dismantled and rebuilt on an equitable basis. b) The unilateral recognition of the â€Å"independence† of Kosovo and the US/Israeli support of Georgian aggression against the Ossetians prove the need for a real democratic world order, not one controlled by the US and its few allies.Russian intervention to repel the Georgian invasion of Ossetia (who voted for independence and union with Russia) was meant to help create the infrastructure for a new international order, since Georgia would not have invaded had the US guaranteed diplomatic support. c) Lavrov states â€Å"the era of national egoism is over. † d) he seeks what he calls a â€Å"polycentric world order. † e) and, as seen above, cooperation with the EU is as important as cooperation with China. China is not mentioned in Lavrov’s speech, which is significant (Lavarov, 2008).On the other hand, the foreign policy concept of the Russian Presidency stresses China far more than the EU. Medvedev makes the claim that China is a major, if not the major, priority of Russian foreign policy. Polycentrism is again stressed, and again, that the imbalance of the world financial system–too much money in too few hands–is the cause of the recent meltdown. Lastly, the foreign policy ideas of the new president seek to establish strong environmental standards, energy security and a price structure that is fair and steady and that all economic growth be environmentally sustainable (Medvedev, 2008).Several things derive from this comparison: there may be a coalition of defense and Presidency against the foreign ministry over the issue of China. While it remains that President Medvedev and the Defense Ministry treat China as the number one priority (and several recent summits between Peking and Moscow over military matters reflects this), Lavarov seems to think that the EU should have this role. However, these agencies seem to have more in common than anything else, and these commonalities should be taken as basic ministerial policy: Russia as a great power, polycentricity, economic democracy and basic international equality.Conclusion: Comparison of Belarus and Russia in Defense Policy It does not take a genius to figure out that both Belarus and Russia are responding to American pressure and military adventurism. Both countries are threatened by American expansionism in both the economic and military spheres. Hence, their defense ministries reflect this. And of course, since Russia and Belarus are politically and ethnically connected, as well as vulnerable to American pressure, their defense policies will overlap in several areas.However, the size differences of Russia and Belarus will also be the cause of some differences in policy, especially since Belarus makes no claim to great power status, but in fact, would like to see the concept of â€Å"great powers† disappear. The main similarities of the two defense departments are their stress on international equity and polycentricity. The world order should reflect diversity in nations and interests, not the domination of the US and its allies in world politics and finance. Both ministries would like to see drastic reductions in the arms of the world, and arms to be used solely for defense, not for offense.Both ministries see a balanced foreign polic y as central: that Asia should be used to balance Europe and Europe to balance the US. Both Belarus and Russian military brass are visiting China and Venezuela on a regular basis, and both countries have signed arms deals with Peking and Caracas. Needless to say, this is a means of balancing US hegemony and the US involvement in Iraq, Africa and the Balkans. It might be surmised that the Belarusian ministry is purely military because Belarus is small and very vulnerable. Hence, the military forces must have direct access to state power in order to act quickly.This was made especially important when threats of invasion came from the McCain presidential camp. The Russians, less vulnerable to assault and attack, can afford some space between civilian and military personnel, though the second in command of the ministry in Russia is the chief of staff. It is curious that the Minister of Defense for Russia has little military experience, but much financial experience. This suggests that t he ministry really is designed to interface with the rest of the government to create an integral policy, while actual military decisions are in the hands of the second in command, General Makarov.This sort of interfacing is certainly a good beginning for further research in this field. References: This paper used mostly primary sources in its construction. The most important were: On Belarus: (www. mod. mil. by) Ministry of Defense. â€Å"Administrative Board. † Belarusian Defense Ministry Portal. 2009 Ministry of Defense. â€Å"Legislative Basis. † Belarusian Defense Ministry Portal. 2009 Ministry of Defense. â€Å"Military Doctrine of the Republic of Belarus. † Belarusian Defense Ministry Portal. 2009 Ministry of Defense. â€Å"The Bases of the Military Policy of the Republic of Belarus. † Belarusian Defense Ministry Portal.2009 International Monetary Fund. â€Å"The Republic of Belarus and the IMF. † Executive Board Consultation, 2009 One Secon dary Source: Global Security. â€Å"Ministry of Defense [of Belarus]. † In Defense Policy and Programs, 2008. (Globalsecurity. org) On Russia: Ministry of Defense. â€Å"Development. † In Military Insight. Published by the Russian Ministry of Defense, 2009 Ministry of Defense. â€Å"War on Terrorism. † In Military Insight. Published by the Russian Ministry of Defense, 2009 Ministry of Defense. â€Å"Global Cooperation† In Military Insight. Published by the Russian Ministry of Defense, 2009 Ministry of Defense.â€Å"Environmental Protection† In Military Insight. Published by the Russian Ministry of Defense, 2009 Medvedev, Dimitri. â€Å"Strengthening Dynamic Partnership with the Asia-Pacific Region. † In Articles of the President of Russia. (Kremlin. ru), 2008 Lavarov, Sergei. â€Å"Transcript of Remarks and Response to Questions by Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov at Press Conference on 2008 Foreign Policy Outcomes. † MFA, January 16, 2009 Ministry of Defense. â€Å"Deputy Minister of Defense for Financial and economic Issues† In Senior Officials. Published by the Russian Ministry of Defense, 2009

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

All About Steriods

All About Steriods Free Online Research Papers When we think of steroids pro body builders such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and many pro athletes usually come to mind. This is due to the negative media that has been portrayed. But what do we mean when we say steroids? Steroid by definition is a â€Å"general class of chemical substances that are structurally related to one another and share the same chemical skeleton† (Steroids). So any â€Å"hormones, body constituents, and drugs† (Steroids) can be classified as a steroid. â€Å"For example, steroids may refer to the corticosteroid drugs such as prednisone used to reduce swelling, pain, and other symptoms of inflammation. Vitamin D is a steroid†¦ one that is necessary [for] normal health. The male hormone testosterone and its derivatives are steroids with anabolic effects that can be used medically (or illicitly) to build up muscle mass† (Steroids). So when it comes down to what a steroid really is, why has it received such a bad name? The negativity primarily comes from the type of anabolic steroid which many of the pro athletes use. But even though there have been many negative aspects of steroid use such as increased anger and aggression, fatality when mixed with other drugs, and medical problems, steroids do have many positive aspects like helping people live with terminal illness, help maintain a better way of life, and provide an alternative to abortion, which is why steroids should not be illegal, because it helps to provide a better way of living. First of all, steroids can cause an increase in anger and aggression. This aggression can come form any form of hormone steroid but is mainly found with use of anabolic steroids. This aggression, normally referred to as roid rage, is one of the leading causes that people look down on steroid use. It sometimes causes the person to behave in a manner that can be illegal or disruptive in such a way that can quickly ruin a life. Teens especially when on steroids have be said to have a higher risk to act out in disruptive manner do to the already fluctuation of hormones in the body. The worst thing that can happen is the harm of family and loved ones. This was true with the professional wrestler Chris Benoit. Wilkes states that â€Å"[y]ou can feel it coming on but theres nothing you can do about it. The next thing you know, a minor argument has gone into a full-fledged rage, when youve got your hands around somebodys neck. Youre in a fight and doing things you wouldnt normally do† (qut. in â€Å"Roid Rage†). This is what the news reporter thinks was the cause of the murder of Nancy and Daniel Benoit. The once loving father and husband burst into a fit of roid rage and quickly took the lives of two loved ones then him self. Also, steroids can be fatal when mixed with other drugs. Weather these other drugs are prescription or the use of other steroids; it can lead to increased side affects of steroids like mood swings. The most common occurrence is the consumption of alcohol with the use of steroids. This has a tremendous negative affect on the body and the liver. This happens when the â€Å"oral [anabolic] steroids are activated through the first pass [through] the human liver, then filtered through the blood stream to nourish the muscular tissue. [T]his breaking down process is roughly equivalent to consuming a 6 pack of light beer first thing in the morning, daily, on your liver† (â€Å"How dose Alcohol Affect Steroid Use†). If you then drink a six pack then the damage on the liver is twice as harsh. But this is just an example of what it could do to your liver. Another negative affect, steroid users are more at risk for medical problems. One of the most promanate health problems is liver health and function. Steroid use can cause liver damage as great as drinking a six pack of beer daily. Also people who use steroids are at a higher risk of getting tumors in the liver. Researchers have also seen â€Å"[i]n clinical trials, treatment with anabolic steroids resulted in a decreased hepatic excretory function†¦Hepatic peliosis is a hemorrhagic cystic degeneration of the liver Rupture of a cyst may lead to fatal bleeding† (Kuipers). What makes it so hard to detect is due to â€Å"peliosis [hepatic] and liver tumors do not always result in abnormalities in the blood variables that are generally used to measure liver function† (Kuipers). This is such a risk due to there being no positive way to test for liver damage or tumors. Other health problems such as sterilization of both mail and female user and heart failure have been r eported. Not everything about steroid is negative; in fact there are many positive aspects of steroid use. First of all, people living with HIV/AIDS and other terminal illnesses can have a better more prolonged life. â€Å"A few years after his HIV diagnosis, Nelson Vergel began wasting away. No matter how much he ate, no matter how many protein shakes he added to his diet, no matter how much iron he pumped, the chemical engineer could not regain 25 pounds the virus had stripped from his 5-foot-7 frame. He watched as dozens of HIV-infected friends progressively lost body fat and muscle and, ultimately, their lives† (Niedowski). When the body is infected with HIV the muscle and tissue dwindle away. No matter what one dose to reverse it, it seems like a lost cause. Researchers on HIV patients who took steroids saw that â€Å"[n]ot only do they help rebuild muscle, they make you feel better† (Niedowski). So instead of giving up and waiting for it to be their turn patients can livi ng with HIV can now give living a fighting chance. Also, it can help maintain a better way of life while dealing with body injuries. Weather a person is trying to hold off having surgery or trying to avoid having surgery to fix an injury; the easier less painful option is getting a cortisone shot. Cortisone shots provide an alternative to dealing with the pain or having surgery to fix the problem. Cortisone is a type of steroid that your body naturally produces and has been synthetically reproduced to have the same affects that comes from our natural cortisone our body produces. When injected into the affected area cortisone helps to relive pain, swelling, and inflammation of the injured area. This is a positive thing because surgery is now not the only option for dealing with an injury. Weather trying to prolong having surgery till it is covenant or trying to avoid it altogether, cortisone shorts now make it easier to decide what the best option is without having to live with the pain or rush into surgery. Finally, the birth control is another positive steroid. Just like many of the other different steroids birth control is just another form of hormone that is naturally produced by the body and made into a synthetic form. Birth control pills â€Å"conta[in] a combination of the hormones estrogen and progesterone to prevent ovulation† (â€Å"Birth Control Pill†). The birth control pill is one of the leading forms of birth control. It has positively helped in reducing the amount of unplanned pregnancies in this country alone. It seems that teen pregnancies are becoming more and more recurring. This is due to the lack of use of birth control. Teens need to know the benefits and what birth control really is in order to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Other positive affect of taking birth control are that it lowers the chance of mood swings and PMS symptoms. Birth control also helps to regulate irregular periods. In conclusion, steroids like most things have many positive and negative affects. It is easy to see why steroid use is seen so negatively. But with what steroids can do for people out weighs the negative side affects. Because what researchers do not tell you is that with the anger and aggression it only affects people who already have a more aggressive attitude. What most people do not know is that many of the negative symptoms of steroid use can be reversed by other steroids or disappear when the steroid use has stopped. Tobacco and alcohol are still the top leading causes for deaths in America. Steroids, low on the list, are rarely the solo reason found for death. Most of the time other drugs, illegal or prescribed, were also a contributing factor to death. So why have steroids received such a bad name? It is due to the lack of knowledge about steroids and the negative figure pointing of the media that has ruined the name. Yes with every positive there is a negative, but what stero ids can help achieve is much greater than the negative side affects it has produced. Work Cited â€Å"Birth Control Pill.† N.D. 2 November 2010. â€Å"How dose Alcohol Affect Steroid Use.† N.D. 1 November 2010. Kuipers, H. â€Å"Anabolic Steroids: Side Effects.† Sports Medicine and Science. 7 March 1998. 2 November 2010. Niedowski, Erika. â€Å"For Some, Steroid Use Builds Hope.† 20 February 2005. 2 November 2010. â€Å"Roid Rage Questions Surrounding Benoit Murder-Suicide.† CNN. 27 June 2007. 1 November 2010. , Steroid. â€Å"Definition of Steroid†. Medterms Medical Dictionary. 12 September 2004. Web. 1 November 2010 Research Papers on All About SteriodsThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseCapital PunishmentEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Moral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementHip-Hop is Art

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Romantic Poetry

worth’s poem â€Å"composed upon Westminster Bridge† and William Blake’s â€Å"London† though both abo... Free Essays on Romantic Poetry Free Essays on Romantic Poetry Romantic poetry essay Romantic poetry is all about the feelings that the poet is trying to provoke not the story that is being told. Most people would say that romantic poetry is supposed to be about romance and nature. Yet a writer could write a poem about a city or death and it could still fit into the romantic format. New age poets are all into the story that is being told and not into the feelings that the poet was trying to provoke. They also want it to fit the specific format of romantic poetry, which is romance and nature. But romantic poetry is also about feelings not talking about them but using them as reasons for writing the poem in the first place. A romantic poem can sometimes not fit the romance and nature specified structure but it will fit the feelings category, which is most often overlooked. Robert graves a new age poet criticizes William Wordsworth’s â€Å"the solitary reaper.† He says that it is too wordy†¦ but how can a romantic poem be too wordy? When the poem is trying to provoke and draw forward feelings from the reader. He says that the whole story that is being told in the poem could have been told in about  ¼ the amount of words. But without using the words that he used it would have been just a boring short story not a romantic poem. Graves asks how can Wordsworth say such things as â€Å"behold her!† and â€Å"O listen!† when there is no one else there but him and his highland lass. As many new age poets and readers do people will go into the poem and read into the story too deep. When they read they concentrate too much they have to let the words flow through their mind and let them bring up feelings and thoughts. William Wordsworth and William Blake were great romantic poets; they were able to create romantic poems even if they did not totally fit the romantic poetry form. Wordsworth’s poem â€Å"composed upon Westminster Bridge† and William Blake’s â€Å"London† though both abo...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Narrative Essay Example College

Narrative Essay Example College Typically, narrative essays are not very popular in school and in college. You are more likely to be assigned to write evaluation, argumentative or persuasive essays. So if you feel you do not know where to start from, you might need to find a good narrative essay example college. It will give you a general idea of how your own paper should be like. If you are stuck with your paper and you cannot write a single word, if you feel frustrated because of the close deadline, do not waste time and contact us. We know what to do to save you out of trouble; we work 24/7 to provide you with qualified academic writing assistance whenever you need it. Students’ success is our main aim. Our habitual clients appreciate our efforts and come back again with the new assignments. Well, what useful ideas can you find in a good narrative essay example college? Write a story You are not required to do much research. Typically, when assigning this kind of paper, your teacher wants to evaluate your command of written English, your knowledge of grammar and punctuation. So, just think about a story you can present in your paper. Probably, if you search in your memory for a while, you will be able to recollect a lot of fascinating childhood stories. You can write a funny story about your pet, or a sad story about undivided love, or anything you find interesting. You have a chance to entertain your teacher and yourself, so why not use it? Mind your language If you want to include a dialogue in your narration in order to create a vivid picture in your reader’ mind, you can use colloquial language. However, in the rest of the paper avoid using colloquial words, slang, short word forms etc. While writing, keep at the forefront of your mind that your work is still an academic paper, so it is important to follow the rules of academic writing. Correct grammar and punctuation are very important for success of your paper. Get feedback As you see from the narrative essay example college you have found online, this task is creative writing, so it is important to get response of people whose opinion you can trust. For example, read the paper to your parents, they can probably give you some useful hints on how to improve your paper. Try to produce the best paper you possibly can; rewrite it until you see it is almost perfect. If you are deeply satisfied with the result of your thorough work, your teacher will definitely like it too.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Questions And Answers Concerning Theory Assignment

Questions And Answers Concerning Theory - Assignment Example The meaning of the purpose of the study refers to the objective or expected outcome of the study and what the researcher hopes to achieve from conducting the research. A nurse leader can use descriptive statistics as a baseboard by which to form the justification for the proposed course of action. Properly interpreted, descriptive statistics can be very convincing in their portrayal of the efficacy of a proposed solution to a problem or implications of the use of a specific method. Through practice, I have used and experienced the use of descriptive statistics in support of specific evaluative procedures or changes in procedural methods used to treat patients. The interpretation of a well-researched article or series of articles detailing successful application of the procedural methods on patients with the same or similar afflictions can serve as a justification for trial procedures within the institution or demonstrative research to determine if this method would be effective in yo ur facility. Class 1: Question 2 Confidence intervals are used in research to assess the reliability of the results obtained (Confidence Intervals, 1999). The confidence interval is defined as the area within a measurement which determines the precision of the measurement (Confidence Intervals, 1999). However, this measurement performs a higher function than to simply tell the researcher the range of the variables around the estimate (Confidence Intervals, 1999). The confidence interval also tells the researcher how constant the assessment is (Confidence Intervals, 1999). A stable estimate shows stability within the research and the method conducted so that when the research is repeated, the same values would reappear or come relatively close to the values obtained within the model (Confidence Intervals, 1999). If the confidence interval is unstable, concurrent research will produce notable variances and the wider the confidence intervals are in relation to the estimate, the more un stable the research results are, meaning the determinations made within the research findings may be inaccurate as well (Confidence Intervals, 1999). A major controversy surrounding the question of the significance of statistical research versus clinical research is that, in statistical research, the sample selected may not be wholly representative of the population in question (Beyea & Nicoll, 1997). If the sample size does not accurately reflect the nature of the population being analyzed, the data collected can not be relied upon to make relevant inferences regarding the populace in question (Beyea & Nicoll, 1997). If the data collected for analysis within a statistical test, the results of the analysis will be equally flawed (Beyea & Nicoll, 1997). Clinical trials do not rely on statistical data, but on the actual raw data from examination of the elements within the circumstances under question. For this reason, clinical analysis is purported to be more accurate because there is less likelihood that the data will be flawed, although the chance remains that the sample group will not be wholly representative of the populace. I also think clinical trials are more accurate for this reason. Class 2: Question 1: The mid range theory selected was Advancing Technology, Caring, and Nursing, which was

Is the 'Kolb cycle' helpful or a hindrance in planning a church's Essay

Is the 'Kolb cycle' helpful or a hindrance in planning a church's strategy for Christian education of adults - Essay Example The experimentation stage involves planning out and implementing what they have learnt. The cycle attempts to explain learning behaviours in group environments, and how the group members support one another to learn. At the core of the cycle’s understanding is the belief that learning is solely based on internal cognitive processes (Kolb 1984, pp. 43-44). The cycle considers an individual to be effectively learning when they; experience a scenario; observe and reflect on their experience; reviewed their knowledge based on the observations and reflections; and test their new knowledge to have new experiences. In essence, effective learning involves an individual going through all the four sequential stages in a never ending cycle. While describing the four stages in the learning cycle, Kolb also identified four types of students based on the students’ response to the cycle. The first type includes those who prefer observation and theoretical solution of problems at the expense of taking action. The second type includes those who organise ideas into logical formats. The third type includes those who apply theories and ideas in practical problem solving. The fourth type includes those who rely on intuition at the expense of logic in solving problems (Kolb 1999, p. 47; McLeod 2010). Each learner will show a strong inclination and preference for a specific learning type approach, and differences in the ability to switch between different types. Learners with a clearly preferred learning style will tend to learn more effectively if the learning experience is oriented towards their preference. Tensions can develop when teachers and students use different learning types in the same setting. If possible, it is imperative that teachers identify their students learning style and facilitate learning environments that build on their strengths, though the students must develop abilities

Friday, October 18, 2019

Plato and Seneca on Death Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Plato and Seneca on Death - Essay Example It demands attention, makes us busy with working for a living and fills us with desires, wants and fears. Our search for the truth is also impeded whenever our bodies are afflicted by disease. The body can be said to be the ultimate inhibiting factor in our desire to wander in our thoughts. True philosophers try to separate the soul from the body in their search for the truth. It is in this regard where death provides an avenue for it is only thru this where the body and the soul can be separated. Philosophy, then, is the quest for knowledge and enlightenment and the only way for this to be achieved is thru the separation of the body and soul. The only way to separate the body and soul is death. Those who truly desire to become philosophers must be prepared to live as close to death as possible. This does not necessarily mean that they should always be in near-death situations. Instead, they should not be too much concerned with the intricacies of the body providing only the basic nourishment it needs. It is due to this that true philosophers and lovers of wisdom do not fear death. Seneca, one the Stoic philosopher, offers a rather compelling manifesto regarding the subject of life and time. The pervading notion during his time was that nature has cursed us with so short a life that it often ends just when we were getting ready for it. This kind of thinking not only afflicts the common people who form the majority of the populace but each and every individual member of society including distinguished men and women who had all the means for a leisurely life. Life, as observed by Seneca in most people, is that it is viewed in terms of postponement. People live as though their life is ensured in the future. They talk about their retirement or the time they will be having their own orchards. Seneca argues that life is finite and is essentially about time. However, the greatest obstacle to living was expectancy wherein we set our sights of what lies in the future while we waste the time we have today. We are thus disposed of that which lay in the hands of Fortune, while letting go of that which was in our own. If we live today and in the present moment, we could live every moment of our life as though it would last forever. Seneca says that everything even darkness and light is contained in a single day. To use the present well is to be aware of this completeness. More days, and months, and years, will or at least may make up our lives if we only made wise of our time. In making the most of our time, we make the most of our life. Life is making use of time and time is making use of life. In this regard, there is not much difference between the two less we perceive life as though we have all the time in the world. 3.0 Plato and Seneca on Death Philosophy and death are intricately entwined in the writings of Plato and Seneca. An analysis of their writings would reveal that share many similarities yet diverge in certain issues. To start with, Plato recognizes that opposites come only from opposites. Since the opposite of life is death and that death comes from life, life can also come from death. Plato would counsel his listeners that death can only lead to immortality as the soul is finally freed from the body but this is only true when the soul already existed without the body. While Plato explains death

Using Hydraulic Fracturing for Hydrocarbon Extraction Research Paper

Using Hydraulic Fracturing for Hydrocarbon Extraction - Research Paper Example While this process is a simple in principle, the geological differences at the well site affects the exact fracturing process hence raises both safety and efficiency concerns (Golden, John and Hannah, 998). Hydraulic fracturing was commercially explored for the first time in Velma, Oklahoma by Halliburton in the year 1949 to extract gas from limestone deposits. Since then, there have been several technological advancements especially in 1980s that resulted to the discovery of diamond-studded drill bits and horizontal drilling. These technological advancements opened room for gas access in shale formations thus resulted into what is today known as â€Å"shale gale† (Bolonkin, Joseph and Shmuel, 234). Benefits of Hydraulic fracturing as a technology cannot be underestimated given the adverse effects of burning coal and generating nuclear energy. Research shows that Hydraulic fracturing accounts for more than 70% of the development of natural gas which will reduce cost of manufacturing and increase employment opportunities (Middleton et al, 505).Hydraulic fracturing is inevitable as well as a vital aspect of many countries energy’s policy due to its tremendous economic benef its and is estimated that the industry will employ over one million users in the US by 2025 (Middleton et al, 506). However, it is estimated that the cost of a gas well ranges between 2.5 and 3 million dollars depending on the area, local taxes, depth of formation as well as other effects of operating costs such as fresh water availability, equipment and transportation while the United States energy information estimates the costs at about 5.3 million dollars (Middleton et al, 505). This is high compared to the other methods of extraction but economical in the short run. Despite the many benefits of Hydraulic fracturing, the process poses serious risks to the human health and quality of fresh water. One of the serious concerns of Hydraulic fracturing is the large quantities of water used.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Sourcing Funds from Venture Capitalists, Creditors, Bonds & Equities Essay

Sourcing Funds from Venture Capitalists, Creditors, Bonds & Equities - Essay Example Funds are collected with some business objectives to realize the benefits of current innovations in the form of product launch, market campaigns, investments in profit making financial instruments, funding running projects with assured returns (like government projects bagged against tenders, infrastructure projects, conflict-free projects that have realized large payments prior to funding), etc. and invest the equities thus built (as an outcome of profits realized from projects) into diversifications, expansions, new Plant & Machinery purchase, new business initiatives, etc. This means that the primary objective of funding should be to invest in profit making ventures that can increase the valuation of the assets of the company and hence result in profits for the investors & in the process improve of share holder value. Faure-Grimaud and Gromb (2004. pp986-987) presented that block of funds raised by a corporation is controlled by insiders for the purpose of improving asset valuatio n of the corporation by allocating corporate resources or acquiring new resources. In the process of increasing firm's asset valuation, the shareholders increase their own wealth as well but this should be viewed more as an incentive of the shareholder's tangible value-increasing actions and not as the fundamental objective of fund raising. Amihud and Garbade et al. (1999. pp453) argued that after a company has taken the debt, a conflict of interest arises between creditors, managers and shareholders. Managers are forced by share holders to maximize their wealth and in this process may end up maximizing risk taking activities. Example, shareholders may be tempted to invest the debt (rather than equity) in high risk projects that may maximize equity at the cost of debt at the cost of overall devaluation of the company. These conflicts call for effective corporate governance which requires lot of contribution by finance managers. They have to manage the compromise between creditors and shareholders by keeping the former satisfied with the investment portfolio while controlling the wish list of the shareholders. Sources of Funds available in Europe (including Croatia) Bottazzi and Rin et al. (2002. 239-244) reported the source of long term funding in Europe (Croatia included) as the Venture Capitalist funding from Institutional Investors (includes endowments & pension funds), corporations, financial institutions (includes primarily banks, insurance companies and fund raisers from capital markets), Government and individuals. Unlike US, Europe has shown dismal maturity when it comes to venture capitalism as compared to US. This is understood from the fact that the funding contribution in US is largely by Institutional Investors (shows the maturity of US markets) but in Europe is largely from banks that control a major part of the mutual fund industry. There are many bank funded companies in Europe (having operations in

Conflict Resolution and Organizational Culture Case Study

Conflict Resolution and Organizational Culture - Case Study Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that Kilmann has clearly brought out that every person tends to behave differently in times of an issue and conflict. He explains that all the conflicts and resolutions of conflicts are based on the behavior of the person. He classifies this into two main types, a) assertive, i.e. where the person focuses on ‘my’ needs and desired outcome and agenda, while the other one is b) Cooperativeness, where the person focuses on ‘others’ needs and mutual relationships. The author explains that based on these two dimensions; there are five different modes that people tend to respond to the conflict situations. Competing: This is the first of the five possible outcomes. People who fall into this category are too self-focused and will take any step possible to win their own position. Here the person tends to do anything to defend the position that they believe is correct or also simply to be able to win. Accommodating: This is a situation where the person is unassertive and cooperative. This is where the person tends t forget their own needs and concerns for others and the individuals tend to be selfless and generous and ever yielding to the other person’s views. Avoiding: This kind of people fall into the unassertive and uncooperative category. Here the person does not try to pursue his own issues nor does he pay attention to the other individual and hence tries not to deal with the conflict at all. Here there is a behavior which mainly is trying to postpone the issue, or simply trying to withdraw from a threatening situation. Collaborating: Here the person tends to be both assertive as well as cooperative. The aim here is to ensure that the concerns of both parties are satisfied.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Sourcing Funds from Venture Capitalists, Creditors, Bonds & Equities Essay

Sourcing Funds from Venture Capitalists, Creditors, Bonds & Equities - Essay Example Funds are collected with some business objectives to realize the benefits of current innovations in the form of product launch, market campaigns, investments in profit making financial instruments, funding running projects with assured returns (like government projects bagged against tenders, infrastructure projects, conflict-free projects that have realized large payments prior to funding), etc. and invest the equities thus built (as an outcome of profits realized from projects) into diversifications, expansions, new Plant & Machinery purchase, new business initiatives, etc. This means that the primary objective of funding should be to invest in profit making ventures that can increase the valuation of the assets of the company and hence result in profits for the investors & in the process improve of share holder value. Faure-Grimaud and Gromb (2004. pp986-987) presented that block of funds raised by a corporation is controlled by insiders for the purpose of improving asset valuatio n of the corporation by allocating corporate resources or acquiring new resources. In the process of increasing firm's asset valuation, the shareholders increase their own wealth as well but this should be viewed more as an incentive of the shareholder's tangible value-increasing actions and not as the fundamental objective of fund raising. Amihud and Garbade et al. (1999. pp453) argued that after a company has taken the debt, a conflict of interest arises between creditors, managers and shareholders. Managers are forced by share holders to maximize their wealth and in this process may end up maximizing risk taking activities. Example, shareholders may be tempted to invest the debt (rather than equity) in high risk projects that may maximize equity at the cost of debt at the cost of overall devaluation of the company. These conflicts call for effective corporate governance which requires lot of contribution by finance managers. They have to manage the compromise between creditors and shareholders by keeping the former satisfied with the investment portfolio while controlling the wish list of the shareholders. Sources of Funds available in Europe (including Croatia) Bottazzi and Rin et al. (2002. 239-244) reported the source of long term funding in Europe (Croatia included) as the Venture Capitalist funding from Institutional Investors (includes endowments & pension funds), corporations, financial institutions (includes primarily banks, insurance companies and fund raisers from capital markets), Government and individuals. Unlike US, Europe has shown dismal maturity when it comes to venture capitalism as compared to US. This is understood from the fact that the funding contribution in US is largely by Institutional Investors (shows the maturity of US markets) but in Europe is largely from banks that control a major part of the mutual fund industry. There are many bank funded companies in Europe (having operations in

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Strategic human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Strategic human resource management - Essay Example Besides the cost and the effort involved in developing this system, Natural Knibbles will also need to train its HR managers to operate this system or else they have to be replaced. Thus with the development of both its niche market and new products, Natural Knibbles will have to recruit new people. This hiring will have to be done very carefully in line with the organizational culture but at the same time people with different knowledge and skills pertaining to the new markets and products will have to be hired. Till now Natural Knibbles primarily employed people in the production department but the expansion might make recruitment in senior management positions necessary of people who have expertise in developing and managing products for people with severe allergies. At the same time training has to be deployed to current staff specially regarding the care which has to be employed in carefully manufacturing products for hyper-allergic people. Diversification will also need to new investment issues and the generation of capital. Thus Natural Knibbles will have to figure out ways to generate new capital and cut down on its costs. 2) Describe the steps that Natural Knibbles would need to develop an effective HR plan The first step which Natural Knibbles needs to take to develop an effective HR plan is assessment. The owners of natural Knibbles need to take into account the needs of the company and its people. It should find out about the kind of expertise the company would need if it branches to introduce a new line of products. Then it can evaluate its present employees and figure out and chalk a program for training and development of existing employees. The company should also perform an internal and external analysis to find put about the opportunities and threats and the company's strengths and weaknesses. The company should also make budget allocations to both training and development and for new recruitments following which they can incorporate their pla ns. Workforce planning will also need to take into account the demographic patterns of the workforce and thus assessment of employee turnover and retiring employees will also be taken into account before making projections about growth. All this planning will be done within a limited time frame and a deadline will be set for the achievement of all objectives. The company will also conduct an evaluation of its performance and its employee performance which will generate the right feedback resulting in optimum performance. The generation of capital will include Natural Knibbles evaluating its fixed, variable and overhead costs to reduce cost and increase revenue. Side by side it will have to locate the source of funds. 3) How would the HR plan as described above help Natural Knibbles to implement its changes and achieve its new strategic objectives? Natural Knibbles will prepare an implementation plan to to achieve its strategic objectives. First of all the top management of natural K nibbles will ensure that this plan has the complete approval of all three decision makers and no one has any doubts about the plan. Secondly the plan will be communicated effectively to all employees since the company is highly employee-oriented. Implementing these and putting the plan into action will lead to employee satisfaction and development in the company. The employees

Monday, October 14, 2019

Learning Acitivity Essay Example for Free

Learning Acitivity Essay 2.Identify and describe three leadership styles. Provide examples of these styles in society? Authoritarian Leadership is one that takes personal charge of decision-making, and demands that group members obey orders (Macionis, 2013. P110). Bill Gates is a great example of authoritarian leadership. Bill had a vision after he took lead of the company and he used all possible resources within his reach and made a dream reality. Bill Gates did not consult others on which way his company should take. Democratic Leadership is making a point and including everyone in the decision-making process (Macionis, 2013. P110). Dwight Eisenhower is one of the best people for this. While serving as a General in the Army he had a task to get the alliance all on the same page this he took great pride and hard work doing so. Laissez-faire Leadership allows group to function more or less on its own (laissez-faire in French means â€Å"leave it alone†). (Macionis, 2013. P110). The Danish government adopted this style of leadership and allowed cannabis to be smoked and allowed open prostitution. 3.What does the research by Solomon Asch and Stanley Milgram show us about the ability of social groups to affect the opinions and behavior of group members? The research showed that people when under pressure by peers or an authoritative figure conform. Solomon Asch (1952) recruited students for what he told them was a study of visual perception (Macionis, 2013, p. 110). But what he did was make the students form a small group and put pressure on one of the students. Asch showed them card 1 with a normal line then asked them to match it to card 2 that had three lines on the card. One third of the students chose to answer the question incorrect just like the other students. Stanley Milgram, a former student of Solomon Asch’s conducted conformity experiments study of his own (Macionis, 2013, pg.111). Milgram had a more controversial experiment he took male subjects and put them in electric type of chair to show how punishment affects learning. The teacher to start with 15v and each time that one of the subjects got it wrong the voltage would increase and even though the levels of voltage reached 450 volts Milgram was astonished how eagerly people obeyed authority. .

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Effects of South West Monsoon (SWM) on Cloud Cover and Shape

Effects of South West Monsoon (SWM) on Cloud Cover and Shape INTRODUCTION An investigation of the cloud shape stability and the cloud covering is presented on the immediate pre and post south-west monsoon (SWM) commencement. The study focuses on Sri Lankan region bounded by longitude 700E-950E latitude 00-200N during the months April, May June in the years 2012 and 2013. Monsoon onset is a remarkably abrupt event and has established the criterion to determine the onset date which is noticeably controversial and a complicated issue. The prime aim of this paper is to understand the vagaries of the cloud dynamics on the before, inception after the SW monsoon and the analysis are carried out purely based on the computer based image processing rather than chemical physical processes. Cloud shape stability which is determined by the pixel orientation based on the neighbourhood begins to drop in April-May and remains in that low level in subsequent months of both years while cloud cover which is determined by the brightness of the pixel starts to go up in the same period and remains in that high level in the following months as well. The south-west (SW) monsoon brings somewhat organized heavy rainfall to Sri Lanka. The economy of the country is largely influenced by the SW monsoon because major industries such as agriculture and power generation are highly depended on rainfall. Therefore, studying the commencement of SW monsoon and its structure is significant. There is no universally accepted definition or criterion to determine the monsoon onset and previous studies exhibited considerable year to year variation of SW monsoon onset [1]. Further, the climate system is a highly uncertain dynamical system which involves large number of factors such as precipitation, temperature, outgoing long wave radiation, wind speed and direction, humidity etc. Monsoon is also an onset-active-break-revival life cycle phenomenon [11]. Therefore, the establishment of a criterion to determine the onset is a noticeably controversial and complicated task. Major monsoon area of the world exists in South and East Asia and the Indian Ocean monsoon interact with the South China Sea monsoon [10]. Most of the previous studies relating to the monsoon onset were based on wind, precipitation, outgoing long-wave radiation (OLR) and brightness temperature [1, 9, 11]. According to the summarization done by Wang et al from 1992 to 2001, only in one among seventeen (17) stud ies was involved with cloud data [1]. However, Wonsick et al document the seasonal progression of the Asian monsoon by analysing clouds and convection in the pre-peak and post-monsoon season [6]. Moreover, maximum cloud zone and the ITCZ (Inter Tropical Convergence Zone) over the Indian region during the SW monsoon was investigated by Sikka et al and it has been found that the two maximum cloud zones are present during June-September, one of 150N and the other of equatorial region [4]. Most of the monsoon studies based on clouds as well as other variables were highly pertinent to China and Indian region. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no or very little research have been done to investigate the monsoon commencement in Sri Lankan region using the cloud patterns. In addition to the monsoon studies, there are certain studies relating to clouds. Among those, identification of tracer clouds done by Nilanjan et al [7] and automated cloud classification done by Bryan et al [3] motivated us to study the seasonal c loud dynamics. Thirty minute interval cloud images were downloaded from the Images are taken from the Indian National Satellite System (INSAT) KALPANA 1 geostationary satellite. These images are derived from the emission by the earth and its atmosphere at thermal infrared wavelength of 10.5-12.5 Â µm and they cover the latitude range 100S-500N and the longitude range 450E – 1050E. The ground resolution at the sub satellite point is nominally 8 Km x 8 Km. Images are stored in the above web site as colour RGB JPEG format. Pixel resolution of the images is about 1200 x 1024 (72 dpi x 72 dpi) with 24bits depth including image header. The region bounded by the longitude 700E-950E and the latitude 00-200N extracted from the original image and the grey converted image is used for this study. This extracted bounded region provides a good coverage for the island of Sri Lanka. Moreover, this study investigates the cloud images from January 2012 to July 2013. Our objective of this research is to distinguish the strange behaviour of the clouds during the potential SW monsoon onset period. Sequel of this paper is as follows: next section describes the methodology followed by the results and discussion. The last section is allocated for a conclusions and recommendations. METHODOLOGY Local orientation which is used as a feature of a satellite image is a major contributor to determine the cloud shape life time. Local orientation which is also called the linear symmetry (LS) is characteristics by the least change of grey value in one direction and maximal change in the orthogonal direction [2,5]. Therefore, a linear symmetry tensor for an image is constructed with respect to the local neighbourhood for each pixel of the image. In this way, local symmetry tensors of the concerned bounded area of the 30 minute interval satellite images were constructed. By preserving the first image as the reference image, comparison takes place with its LS tensor and that of the subsequent images till the correlation drops below a specified threshold. In this study the threshold is 0.9. As long as this correlation of the subsequent image is higher than the threshold, is considered as the same cloud shape with the reference image. The time period until the drop of the correlation of the LS tensors below the threshold is considered as the life time of that particular cloud shape. This process was continued by taking the next immediate image as the new reference image and mean value of the life times is taken as the cloud shape life time for the particular day. In addition, the cloud cover was determined in the said area of the image using the feature of brightness of the pixel. If the pixel brightness is higher than the global threshold which is determined by the otsu’s method, it is considered as the cloudy pixel. As such the cloud cover area was calculated for the chosen area of image by counting the number of cloudy pixels. Similarly, the average was taken as the cloud cover of the particular day. Finally, the cloud shape life time and the cloud cover were analysed in the months of April, May and June which include the SW monsoon potential onset period [8, 10], of the years 2012 2013 which is presented in the following section. All calculations and analysis were done using the software MATLAB and Microsoft Excel. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION To look at the vagaries of the cloud dynamics in the immediate pre and post south-west monsoon commencement, monthly variation of cloud shape life time and cover from January 2012 to July 2013 are calculated and presented in figure 1 with the standard deviation. In both years, cloud shape stability life time start to drop in April-May and after the drop, this low level sustains during the entire peak monsoon period (June-September) in year 2012. Similar trend can be seen up to July in the year 2013. On the other hand, cloud cover starts to increase in same period and remains in that higher value during the whole peak period of monsoon in year 2012. Once again that trend can also be observed up to July 2013. According to the previous studies, Wang et al (2004), Wonsick et al (2009) and Tsing-Change Chen et al monsoon build up on average from 2nd week of May to 1st week of June[1, 6, 8, 10]. When we closely look at how a cloud behaves in this previously identified monsoon onset period, interestingly, we can see a remarkable change of behaviour in both cloud shape life time and the cloud cover occurred in the data considered for this study. First of all, highest cloud cover is increased by 48.56% than the previous day on May 19, 2012. Similarly in 2013, this happens on May 25 which is a 48.47% increase than the previous day. After goes up that high level of cloud cover is averagely 40 per cent or higher in 2013 while it is 40 per cent or higher in most of the days in 2012 remains till mid-June. This is shown in the figure 2. While cloud cover is increased on May 19 2012, the cloud shape stability time is strangely dropped by 51% on the same day when compared with that in the previous day. As shown in figure 3, after this drop the average low life time sustains till mid-June. For example, cloud shape life time of May 18, 19 and 20 are 12.42, 6.08 and 7.36 hours respectively and then it does not increase to a level as high as 12 hours. Similar behaviour can be observed in 2013 too. As higher cloud cover increased occurred on May 25, 2013, cloud shape life time brings to 6.42 hours on that day from 9.83 hours on previous day. This is a 34.75% drop which remains at that low life time as low as 5 hours up to mid-June. We can also see that the cloud shape life time drop occurred on May 20, 2013 by 37.66% than the previous day. However, the following day again it goes up by 50%. In addition, on May 28, 2013, once again we can observe the life time diminish by 38.98% but that drop brings 4.92 hours of life time on May 27 to 3.0 hours on May 28 which is not higher than 5.0 hours either of days and it is not a reasonably long run downward trend. Therefore, the life time drop occurred in May 25, 2013 is unusual. According to the literature, summer monsoon first appeared in South China Sea (SCS) and moves progressively northward [1]. The consistency between the above said dates and onset dates of the previous studies on south china sea and indian monsoon region are significant [1, 9]. In the literature, we can find a considerable amount of studies for defining onset of the monsoon. Some of them are based on multivariable. Certain studies have tried to define the onset using a single variable. However, resulting onset dates for some years were greatly divers because the choice of local variables are sensitivity to the region [1]. One of salient feature of most definitions is that a remarkable change the value of chosen factor or factors and sustains that value to some reasonable period. For instance, Wang et al define the South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon onset as an index of 850 hPazonal winds average over the central SCS (USCS) is positive and remains positive on subsequent days (3 pentads) with accumulating mean greater than one [1]. Moreover, according to Tsing Chen et al wind field and rainfall are other important widely used factors for determining the onset. Again, these factors reach a certain critical amount and sustain that value for some consecutive d ays which is adopted as the criterion of monsoon onset [10].Similarly, we are able to identify the remarkable change of cloud shape life time and the cloud amount and sustain that change a considerable number of days in the same fashion. conclusions/RECOMMENDATIONS In 2012, within the potential SW monsoon onset period of 2nd week of May to 1st week of June (according to the previous studies), highest cloud cover increase occurred on May 19 and it is 48.56% higher than the previous day. After it goes up it remains in that value of around 40 per cent most of the days till mid-June and averagely higher in the entire peak SW monsoon period (June-September). On the other hand, cloud shape stability on the same day is dropped by 51 per cent than the previous day. Again this is the highest drop within the monsoon onset potential period. Similarly after the cloud shape life time goes down, it remains till mid-June and mean value is as low as the same within the whole monsoon peak period. Similar observation can be seen in that period of 2013 too. Highest cloud cover increase of 48.47% than the previous day is occurred on 25th May, 2013 and it remains till mid-June at as high as 40%. Moreover, the cloud shape life time too behaves as same as the previou s year. When compared with the previous day it is dropped by 34.75% on 25th May and that this low value remains in subsequent days till mid-June. In the light of the above findings, there is a sound reason to explain that the level of cloud cover and their shape life time are good indicators for determining the arrival date of the SW monsoon. On the other hand determining the monsoon structure such as arrival and withdrawal date, break time and its strength is a challenging demand. In the future, we expect to develop the image processing tools for capturing the structural information of the satellite cloud images in order to describe and figure out weather patterns as well as monsoon. REFERENCES B. Wang, Linho, Yongsheng Zhang, and M. M. Lu, 2004: Definition of South China Sea Monsoon Onset and Commencement of the East Asia Monsoon, Journal of Climate, 17, 699-710 Bigun, J., Gosta, H. Grandlund, Optimal Orientation Detection of Linear Symmetry, 1987, Proceedings of the IEEE First International Conference of Computer Vision. London, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp 433-438 Bryan A Baum, Vasanth Tovinkere, Jay Titlow, and Ronald M Welch, 1997: Automated Cloud Classification of Global AVHRR Data Using a Fuzzy Logic Approach, Journal of Applied Meteorology, 36, 1519-1540 D. R. Sikka, and Sulochana Gadgil, 1980: On the Maximum Cloud Zone and the ITCZ over Indian Longitudes during the Southwest monsoon, Monthly Weather Review, 1840-1853 H. L. Premaratne and J Bigun, 2002: Recognition of Printed Sinhala Characters Using Linear Symmetry, The 5th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Melbourne, Australia, 23-25 January 2002 Margaret M Wonsick, Rachel T Pinker and Yves Govaerts, 2009: Cloud Variability over the Indian Monsoon Region as Observed from Satellites, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 48, 1803-1821 Nilanjan Ray, Dipti Prasad Mukherjee and Jyotirmoy Das, 1999: Identification of Tracer Clouds: A Shape-based Approach, Current Science, 76, 916-923 S. Ramanayake, Lareef Zubair, and H. B. Nayakekorala, 1998: Week of Onset and Withdrawal of the Southwest Monsoon in Sri Lanka, SLAAS annual conference 54:251-252, December 1998 Tsing Change Chen and Ming Cheng Yen, 1994: Interannual Variation of the Indian Monsoon Simulated by the NCAR Community Climate Model: Effect of the Tropical Pasific SST, Journal of Climate, 7, 1403-1415 Tsing Change Chen and Jau-Ming Chen, 1995: An Observational Study of the South China Sea Monsoon during the 1979 Summer: Onset and Life Cycle, Monthly Weather Review, 123, 2295-2318 Tsing Change Chen, Ren Yow Tzeng and Ming Cheng Yen, 1988: Development and Life Cycle of the Indian Monsoon: Effect of the 30-50 Day Oscillation, Monthly Weather Review, 116, 2183-2199

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Leading The Revolution by Gary Hamel :: Leading The Revolution by Gary Hamel

Leading The Revolution by Gary Hamel Leading the Revolution was written by Gary Hamel and published in September of 2000. Hamel writes a how to book on creating the new dynamic organization. His main theme is that old business strategies are not going to survive in what he calls the age of Revolution. In his premise to the book, he states that he will show the reader how to become a revolutionary in the business world. He completes his stated task by explaining the difference between contemporary strategy and revolutionary strategy, by explaining how a reader can begin to think revolutionary, and finally by explaining how a person can act revolutionary in their own company. Hamel introduces the topic of revolutionary strategy by explaining the differences between contemporary strategy and revolutionary strategy. Contemporary strategy in his opinion coincides with the â€Å"Age of Progress†. The Age of Progress tries to improve current processes and production techniques and attempts to squeeze every last penny from the same strategy that has always been used at a given company. In Hamel’s opinion, this will not work in his â€Å"Age of Revolution†. The revolutionary strategy will try to turn an industry upside down. He pounds home his point by illustrating the differences between companies that still try to improve and companies that revolutionize an industry, by stating the differences in the new wealth that revolutionaries create for their stockholders. At first, I felt that he would only be describing internet companies, but he pointed out examples such as Midwest Airlines , who has a higher income percent than the rest of the industry. He talked about companies such as the Body Shop, Virgin-Direct, Dell, Sony and IBM. Hamel shows how even stodgy companies (IBM and Sony) can become revolutionaries. His next step is to show individuals how they can begin to think in revolutionary ways. He uses examples from these same companies that he believes to be revolutionary and they tell their own stories of how they try to think of revolutionary ideas for companies. Some examples include reading magazines from all over the world, attending industry conventions for industries outside of your own industry, travelling to places that are unfamiliar, and meeting new people. These are simple steps, but they have a profound impact if the person is truly trying to experience the differences in each situation.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Practise What You Preach

Practice what you preach Any person in the world is an individual and it goes without saying that all people differ. Consequently, all of them have different mentality, ideology, behavior, thoughts, attitude to the same things and phenomena. Usually since childhood we stand on one path and follow it during all our life. Here the influence of parents, grandparents, teachers can be seen, when we try to copy their adult habits.But it seems to be normal when a little child follows the ideas of a mother today, for example, and the other day he/she persuades everyone that a father says the truth, even though it contradicts a mother’s truth which was actual a day before. It can be understood that a child just explores the world and can’t decide whose ideas are worth following. Becoming a teenager, a young man or lady, we tend to make our own conclusions rather that listen to what adults say and think.And since that moment when we generate our own ideas and persuade other peopl e have the same beliefs, we are responsible for what we say. There is one proverb: â€Å"A word spoken is past recalling†. If you have said something once, don’t change your opinion in one hour or the next day, because in future people won’t know whether believe you or not, whether listen to or ignore you. Of course, it’s a usual thing when due to some experience, knowledge, evidence we can change our beliefs, it’s our personal thing.But when you begin to spread your ideas among other people, you should stand by them till the very end, otherwise keep silence. If your ideas were introduced aloud, if other people heard them once, then you are expected to practice what you preach. Here can be said in general about teachers, because they are those who teach a lot of children. The last without their own experience, remember everything said at the classes. Surely, they believe their teachers, because they are older and wiser.And if one day students see t hat a teacher doesn’t practice what he/she preaches, they won’t believe him/her anymore. Therefore the authority of a teacher won’t be stable. There is one more concrete example about Mr. Davidson from W. Somerset Maugham’s story â€Å"Rain†. Alfred Davidson, a self-righteous missionary, tried to make Miss Thompson a religious woman, to kill her lust and her desire to sell her body. But one day he succumbed to his lust and raped her, even though he was a missionary about 15 years and he was a married man.The next morning, he was found dead on the ocean shore  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ a  suicide. He couldn’t live anymore when he had done a thing which was against his religious teaching. Summing up my essay, I would like to emphasize that an advice â€Å"Practice what you preach† given in the title concerns not only people who have authority: teachers, politicians, priests, but any person in the world. If you want to be trusted, don’t speak at random waste words, because people will expect you to follow what you’ve said.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Infancy and Early Childhood Development Essay

Infancy and Early Childhood Development As a child develops families play a role in teaching the child. The first role is done through the five senses as a child’s brain develops. Parents are also responsible for making sure a child stays healthy. Piaget says that a child will learn through experiments in his or her world. Erickson and Freud also have ideas on family interaction in childhood development. Along with interaction a parent has different styles to bring up a child. These styles can help shape the child as he or she grows into adults. Early childhood education and cognitive development also play a role in childhood development also. Families affect development through interaction with a child, the parenting style used by the parent will also help shape the child as he or she grows, along with early education and cognitive development. Families play a role in infancy and early child development. Early childhood experience is in two categories; experience-dependent (cultural-bound) and experience-expectant (universal) that aid in brain growth (Berger, 2008). As the brain grows senses and motor skills such as seeing, mobility progress, and hearing improve. The child’s environment helps with this as the brain will respond to different particulars in life. Also in the biosocial aspect of development is health, a child will grow at expected rates and have better survival rates when the parents or caregivers practice healthy habits for the child such as immunization and nutrition, and regular well child check-ups. Another view of family effects on development comes from cognitive views of Piaget. Piaget’s work on sensorimotor intelligence and information processing says that infants progress from knowing their world through experiments. The child is shown objects by the parent and the parent tells the child what he or she is seeing, such as a cup, ball, or bottle. This communication with the child is how the family helps the child with language development. According Berger (2008), by one an infant can speak about two words, and by the age of two languages explodes, and at the toddler ages a child capable of speaking in short sentences. The last role from parents in the developing child comes from psychosocial theories. Emotions play a basic role in newborns two aspects of the role of emotions are from Erickson and Freud. Erickson’s theory is one of trust versus mistrust, and Freud’s theory is one of oral and anal stages. Both theories express the guidance given by parents to help raise their children. Parents and children play together, which helps develop social skills and attachment. Through attachment a child learns to explore and become independent in his or her world (Berger, 2008). Social play and attachment encourage social confidence. Besides play a parent must use a style to raise the child. Parenting styles vary the three most used styles consist of authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive. Authoritarian parents controls, evaluates behavior, and attitudes of the child with standard rules of conduct. A child who fails to follow the set rules normally receives punishment with no explanation regarding why. According to Baumrind (1991), these parents are â€Å"status and obedience oriented, and expect rules to be followed without explanation. † The authoritative parent also sets rules for his or her child. Authoritative parenting styles also sets rules for a child but unlike the authoritarian parent the parent is much more democratic about it. This parenting style permits the parent to be more responsive to the child’s needs, and listen to questions and concerns the child may have. The child is not punished when he or she does not meet expectations of the parent as the parent is more nurturing, and forgiving. Discipline with the authoritative parent is more supportive than punitive, as the parent wants the child to be assertive, socially responsible, self-regulating, and cooperative (Baumrind, 1991). The last of the three parenting styles is permissive. The permissive parent consults with the child about decisions, gives reasons for rules, and makes few demands of the child. The permissive parent is more of a resource for the child to use, and is not active in shaping or altering the child. The permissive parent will try to manipulate the child to arrive at desired results but will not show power over the child (Baumrind, 1991). Of the three parenting stages authoritative parenting has the best balance. Authoritative parents want for the child, helps shape the child into an upstanding citizen while nurturing and firm in rules. This parenting style values the expressiveness of the child, and still setting standards for the child. The authoritative parent will also be objective, uses reason, power, and shapes and reinforces achievements and objective for the child, but does this with consensus of the child and the child’s desires (Baumrind, 1991). Besides parenting education and cognitive development are important for a child. Early childhood education can began in the 1800s with private classes in a person’s home. Serious studies of cognition and early education began with Piaget’s work in defining stages of development. Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky are both famous for theories on cognition, and early learning of young children. Piaget whom began his career as a biologist teaching in a boy’s school found an interest in child development after helping design a test on intelligence. His theory was that a child could not perform tasks until he or she was psychologically mature enough (Berger, 2008). His second stage or preoperational stage works in the classroom with the child using language to define objects. Vygotsky theory on early childhood learning is more of a social one. Vygotsky theory is a basis of young children’s thinking being self-centered and at time magical. His theory was a second aspect of cognition; young children can be sensitive to other people’s emotions and wishes. Every aspect of child development is in social context, children are curious and observant. Vygotsky called this apprentice in thinking, as older children and adults are the teachers of society. Younger children are guided participates as they learn to think from their mentors. Vygotsky belief was that children could do anything with the assistance of others in their social network (Berger, 2008). In conclusion as the brain grows, the interaction from the parent helps the  brain develop, along with parent keeping a healthy regimen. Parent and caregiver interacting with the child helps the child learn language. The three parenting styles: authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive help shape with rules and responsibilities. The well balanced parenting style is authoritative; allowing the child to understand why he or she is receives punishment, shapes and reinforces the child, and takes the child’s feeling into consideration. Early childhood education began in the 1800s. Piaget and Vygotsky both believed that education was important. Piaget thought that a child learned he or she was psychologically mature enough. Vygotsky belief was that children learn from others and could do anything with the help from their mentors. Cognition is needed to help a child learn, develop, and grow. Reference Baumrind, D. (1991). Child care practices anteceding three patterns of preschool behavior. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 75(1), 43-88. Berger, K. S. (2008). The developing person through the life span (7th ed. ). New York, NY: Worth Publishers. Guest, A. (2011). Taking sides: Clashing views in life-span development (3rd ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Yasuki Hiramatsu, the Famous Metal Smith

Yasuki Hiramatsu, the famous metal smith for jewelry was born in Osaka, Japan in 1926 and currently lives in Tokyo, Japan. He obtained his graduation in 1952 from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts & Music. Having experienced military life as a student soldier during World War II, Hiramatsu became acutely sensitive to the challenges of life. Wishing to create something truly valuable to human life, he had focused his efforts on producing crafts and jewelry that, through their use, bring joy and happiness into everyday life. He had a prestigious career as an educator and has been Professor Emeritus at the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. He has also been the Director of the Japan Jewelry Designers Association. He actively promoted interactions with other countries, which won him a lot of international recognition. In 1994, he became the first non-European winner of the award presented to an outstanding foreign artist in the field of metal working by the German association for the promotion of precious metal art. Hiramatsu hammered pieces of 23-karat gold into thin sheets, produced crinkles by folding and bending and fashioned them into simple forms. Metals are generally considered heavy and hard, but he handled these materials like paper to create clearly defined forms that bring out unprecedented beauty and gentleness in the metal [1]. Yasuki Hiramatsu is a pioneer of contemporary jewelry in Japan. He has explored and re-interpreted traditional metalworking skills in order to create modern art. Hiramatsu?s works radiate simplicity, purity and strength. Concentrating on textures, form and light, his pieces capture an inner beauty and warmth that seem to come alive as light gently reflects across the surface. His jewelries show not only the softness and warmth of the metal by using more gold and silver than regular jewelry but also the shapes he creates. His innovative skills and capabilities made him to be internationally acclaimed as a leading artist in postwar Japan, especially in the field of jewelry. Yasuki says that â€Å"I consider the metals like living things when I use them. When I make a piece, I play, worry, struggle with it and encourage it. â€Å"[2]. Throughout Hiramatsu?s distinguished career, he has conducted several solo exhibitions, group exhibitions, workshops and lectures. His works are available in several public collections and he possesses several awards. He took part in several projects organized/funded by the culturebase. et partner institutions too. His solo and group exhibitions used to showcase a series of his representative jewelry work alongside various other items such as vases, paperweights and even crowns. Although his forms are simple, there is always an underlying sense of glamour. These exhibitions provided viewers with an opportunity to take a look back at Hiramatsu's career that spans half a century [3]. References [1] Hiramatsu Yasuki, Retrieved April 28,2010 from [2] The international artist database, (2003, May 26), Yasuki Hiramatsu, Retrieved April 28,2010 from [3] Tokyo Artbeat Bilingual Art and Design Guide, Yasuki Hiramatsu Exhibition, Retrieved April 28,2010 from [4] Preziosa Contemporary Jewellery, Retrieved April 28,2010 from [5] Yasuki Hiramatsu – Metal Works, Retrieved April 28,2010 from [6] Galerie Slavik, Yasuki Hiramatsu, Retrieved April 28,2010 from;c=Yasuki+Hiramatsu;t=suche;db=schmuck.txt;start=1;dif=16 [7] Yasuki Hiramatsu – Jewelry: The Essence of Form, Retrieved April 28,2010 from /english/craft/YasukiHiramatsu/

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Teen pregnancy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Teen pregnancy - Research Paper Example 750,000 teenaged girls get pregnant each year, according to the same study. One third of these girls will have abortion. It is difficult to realize the total consequences of unprotected sex in the initial stages. In case the teenager was aware of the consequences she would not have allowed herself to be complacent. By the time, the teenager realizes the full consequence of her actions, it is too late. This is not the only implication. There are social and economic implications as well. Teenage girls who get pregnant have problems concentrating on their studies with the added responsibility of bringing up a baby. Balancing studies and bringing up a baby can prove to be very exhausting. Also pregnant teens are looked down upon by their school colleagues. They do not get proper social treatment. The economies for bringing up a baby can be devastating. The cost of raising a baby is quite high and where is the money to come from? The problem is in the lack of information about the consequences of pregnancy. Teens have sex rather liberally these days. The chances of becoming pregnant are quite high even when there is only one time unprotected sex. Parents do not know how to effectively broach the subject. Teens are not clear about the topic to be able to constructively discuss the theme. Once pregnancy is noticed, the parents wish they had been more communicative about sex with their daughters. Condoms make sex safer. However, there is the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Girls do not use discretion of knowing the person they have sex with. This could lead to contracting STDs. The movies aggrandize sex. They even make movies on the theme of teenagers’ sex. Much of what is shown on the television set is gloss. The reality is hard hitting. Having babies may be a joy. But it is also a responsibility. It is good to think twice for teenaged girls before having sex. It is even better to think many times before having